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New to UNC

  • Buying a computer? UNC has partnered with Dell and Lenovo to bring our students some amazing deals. Check out UNC's Personal Computer Buying guide for more information. 
  • Need to print? You may not find that you need your own printer; printers are available all over campus with Bear Print. Visit the Bear Print guide for more information. 
  • Nervous about accessing your courses online? Visit the UNC's introductory course - Canvas for Students
  • Need software?  UNC Students can download Microsoft Office products on up to five devices at no cost. To install Microsoft Office go to http://portal.office.com and log in with your UNC credentials and select install apps button. Note that the installation can take up to 30 minutes. Students can also receive a discount on the Adobe CC suite with their Bear email address. Visit the Adobe CC Student buying guide for more information. 

Students studying in the UC.  

Student Technology

  • Wi-Fi: Need to get connected? Visit UNC Wireless Help - Students
  • Accounts: Your UNC student account is the username and password you use to access most of UNC's services including Ursa, Canvas and Email. All student email address end with @bears.ndkllx.com.
  • Email on mobile devices: As Microsoft continues to harden and secure their online presence, they have decided to remove clients that connect to email using basic authentication, as opposed to the new modern authentication. On 7/18 we will start to enforce modern authentication to student email accounts over the next several weeks. If you are trying to access your email on a mobile device and are notified that the connection is not secure/connection couldn't be established you will need to remove and then re-add your account. You can also switch to the Microsoft recommended Outlook for mobile which can be found in the iOS and Google stores, respectively. Note that this process will not impact your mailbox. Please feel free to reach out to the TSC at 351-4357 with any questions or issues.
  • Getting Help: Our Technical Support Center (TSC)  is happy to help with questions, troubleshooting, and more! You can visit us in person at the Tech Den which is located on the first floor of Michener west of the Coffee Corner. You can also contact the TSC through email at help@ndkllx.com, visit us at Michener room L11, or call at 970-351-HELP (4357). 

Featured Services


Search the knowledge base or submit a help ticket through the Technical Support Center (TSC) Portal. 

My UNC App

New for 2024! Download our new app to see your course schedules, see Campus activities and more.


Access Ursa (Banner) for course registration, financial aid, Bear Print accounts, and more.


Apporto Virtual Lab is a web based virtual computer lab to remotely access UNC software from any device, anywhere.


Access to UNC's learning management system. This is where you can find your courses, assignments, and grades. 


The University Bookstore has online resources to help students find the textbooks needed for upcoming courses. 

Find My Course Materials


UNC has a dedicated network for students. You can access the network by choosing UNC-Student. If you are having problems connecting to the network, please see our help article. 


Access the online version of Office 365. On the portal's main page, you can click on the OneDrive icon to access saved files. 


Professors may ask you to join a class or office hours via Zoom. Watch a the video tutorial on how to Join a Zoom Meeting


 Would you like to connect your gaming or streaming device to UNC's wireless network? First, you must register your device. 

Virus Protection

Antivirus software is available to the university Microsoft community at no charge, for home use only.

For Mac users we recommend that they take advantage of whatever free anti-malware product that their ISP might provide. Here are a couple of quality anti-malware products which are made available at no charge to Mac users.


UNC's Michener Library provides a variety of spaces and equipment for students to reserve including recording equipment, laptop rentals, and more.